Tonight Fri. 5 pm – “$300 and Under” Benefit for WRUU. opening reception, featuring artwork at $300 and under, from ALMOST 40 LOCAL ARTISTS! The show continues through September 14th. 08/10/2018

“$300 and Under” Benefit for WRUU
Opening Reception August 10, 5-8 PM, at the Location Gallery
The Location Gallery’s Peter Roberts and WRUU 107.5 are teaming up with WRUU’s “Art on the Air” hosts Rob Hessler and David Laughlin for a fundraising benefit, featuring artwork at $300 and under, from ALMOST 40 LOCAL ARTISTS! Please join us for the opening reception on Friday, August 10, 2018 from 5pm-8pm at the Location Gallery at 417 Whitaker. The show continues through September 14th. All art work is “cash and carry.” Please join us to support your favorite artists and your favorite local community radio station — WRUU 107.5, Savannah Soundings, Community Radio with Global Soul!
For more information go to: