Tue. 11 pm. hey all ! big news ! we’re movin to TUESDAYS AT 11 ! a day and an hour earlier for comfort and convenience, (and to be closer to Eccentric Focus, obviously). Welcoming the new timezone is Fatplastik from New Orleans in anticipation of their show Wednesday night, Fatplastik at Graveface! ! Join us for lots of talk and noises Tuesday nites from now on ! always WRUU.org globally, 107.5 FM locally. 11/20/2018

hey all ! big news ! we’re movin to TUESDAYS AT 11 ! a day and an hour earlier for comfort and convenience, (and to be closer to Eccentric Focus, obviously). Welcoming the new timezone is Fatplastik from New Orleans in anticipation of their show Wednesday night, Fatplastik at Graveface! ! Join us for lots of talk and noises Tuesday nites from now on ! always WRUU.org globally, 107.5 FM locally