Wed. 9 pm. ET-This week on Savannah Music Local and Sustainable we are celebrating the production of “King Mackerel & the Blues Are Running” at the Tybee Post Theater on January 26 & 27with an interview with local musician and composer of Broadway musicals, Jim Wann. We will also be talking about an playing music from his hit Broadway show “Pump Boys and Dinettes”. Savannah Music Local and Sustainable is on Wednesday nights from 9-10pm ET. 01/23/2019

“King Mackerel & the Blues Are Running”

“King Mackerel & the Blues Are Running”This week on Savannah Music Local and Sustainable we are celebrating
the production of “King Mackerel & the Blues Are Running” at the Tybee
Post Theater on January 26 & 27with an interview with local musician
and composer of Broadway musicals, Jim Wann. We will also be talking
about an playing music from his hit Broadway show “Pump Boys and
Dinettes”. Savannah Music Local and Sustainable is on Wednesday
nights from 9-10pm ET.

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