Sun. 9 am ET-This week on “The Heart and the Hand” with Orlando Montoya: Two sermons from the Boston area. We welcome back the Rev. Stephanie May, who visited the Savannah church on sabbatical. She shares her “open road” sabbatical experience from her pulpit in Boston’s suburbs. And from First Church Boston, we’ll consider Lincoln’s words (“malice toward none”) with a “tough tenderness” for our times. Plus, all the regular segments from 9-11am on Sunday on WRUU 107.5 FM and WRUU.ORG. Later, from 1-2pm, it’s modern music on UU themes with “The Heart and the Hand Music Hour.”03/24/2019

This week on “The Heart and the Hand” with Orlando Montoya: Two sermons from the Boston area.  We welcome back the Rev. Stephanie May, who visited the Savannah church on sabbatical.  She shares her “open road” sabbatical experience from her pulpit in Boston’s suburbs.  And from First Church Boston, we’ll consider Lincoln’s words (“malice toward none”) with a “tough tenderness” for our times.  Plus, all the regular segments from 9-11am on Sunday on WRUU 107.5 FM and WRUU.ORG.  Later, from 1-2pm, it’s modern music on UU themes with “The Heart and the Hand Music Hour.”

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