Thu. 1 pm – Courageous Conversations with Sheree welcomes Author Robin Bela. If you are ready to break patterns, connect to your inner power and create the life you want don’t miss this episode. She is the Author of ‘Break The Pattern: Connecting To The Power Within To Create The Life You Want’. 02/06/2020.

Courageous Conversations with Sheree welcomes Author Robin Bela. If you are ready to break patterns, connect to your inner power and create the life you want don’t miss this episode. She is the Author
of ‘Break The Pattern: Connecting To The Power Within To Create The Life You Want’.
Robin Bela is from India and transitioned to the UK in 2003. She has been offering her services as Life Coach, Energy Therapist and Spiritual Teacher for the last 15 years.
Robin is an MBA graduate and was in the corporate field for about 5 years. Her journey as an
energy healer started when she healed her own knee injury. From there she knew her path was
to help people heal and transform their lives. And soon Robin was helping others improve the
way they thought and felt about themselves, and helped them manifest their desires.
Today Robin has helped several clients come out of very difficult situations where they seemed stuck, and felt had no solution. Robin has found a way of working through that by keeping the faith in God, and helped others learn the process to find their deep peace within, and eventually joy and success.Through God, now she guides others to find their peace, joy and success. Robin shows you how to manifest your desires through the spiritual path in her 1-1 sessions, Online Members Program called Miracles With The Divine and also in her free bi-weekly online seminars.