WRUU Savannah Soundings Community Radio with Global Soul!
Wed. 2 pm – Join the Happy Homes-chooler for tips on how to schedule your home-school day to maximize learning and reduce distractions. 09/08/2021.
Wednesday Listen live on WRUU-LP 107.5FM. Also streaming...
Tue. 8 pm – “Contemporary Classics” during the week of the 20th Anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. 09/06/18/2021.
in music written to commemorate the people lost...
Tue. 4 pm – This week, Rock n Roll Cookbook celebrates the world of work with songs from Devo to Dolly Parton!
It’s all happening Tuesday Sept 7 starting at...
Mon. 4 pm – Monday, what do we do on Monday? I rock and I invite you to rock with me this Monday on Way Left of the Dial. 09/06/2021.
Local on 107.5FM, stream galaxy wide @WRUU.ORG, #wruu1075....
Sat. 3 pm – on “Four Centuries of Great Music” a celebration of the string quartet through the centuries. 09/04/2021.
This is the second of several episodes on...