TCG: This Chair Rocks (ft. Ashton Applewhite)

This Chair Rocks

A conversation with Ashton Applewhite

What is ageism, and why does the prejudice of growing older persist? How do language and culture belittle those both younger and older, as well as harm everyone in between? Author and pro-aging radical Ashton Applewhite joins Leigh to discuss findings from her book, including studies that turn commonly held myths on their head, and why “A Manifesto Against Ageism” is long overdue. What would an “all-age-friendly world” look like, and what will it take to get there? The -ism remains widespread, despite the fact we all hope someday to join this club as a member.

(Photo © The Lavin Agency Speakers Bureau)

To skip the intro, fast forward to the 2:24 mark.

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TCG: This Chair Rocks (ft. Ashton Applewhite)

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