Coming up this Wednesday on Savannah Music Local and Sustainable at 9 pm, is my show with Josephine Johnson. Josephine Johnson is a wonderful singer-songwriter who plays both the guitar and ukulele and a delightful person to talk with. We will be talking about her experiences in China and with California fires. 08/08/2018

Coming up this Wednesday on Savannah Music Local and Sustainable at 9-10 PM on WRUU – 107.5 Savannah and everywhere else is my show with Josephine Johnson. Josephine Johnson is a wonderful singer-songwriter who plays both the guitar and ukulele and a delightful person to talk with. We will be talking about her experiences in China and with California fires. We will be talking about her songs from previous albums and from her new album SPARK. Listeners will discover why I am so head over heels crazy about Josephine Johnson as a friend, a local performer and the host of “Sister Sound” on WRUU. Of course as always Savannah Music Local and Sustainable can be found on WRUU at 107.5 in Savannah and everywhere else from 9-10 pm every Wednesday night (except last Wednesday of every month).