First On-Air Anniversary Celebration 03/05/2018

“This is truly a labor of love, of thousands of hours of volunteers time, knowledge, talent, and generosity of heart who believe in community radio.”
It all started as an idea to connect with our Savannah community among a group of members from UUCS that became WRUU 107.5 – Savannah Soundings – Community Radio with Global Soul. “A Project of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Savannah” [first new permit to build a local Savannah station in over 15 years!]
We started streaming on-line in 2015, few shows, and have grown to an amazing lineup of music and talk shows you can listen on your radio dial 107.5 fm or online on anywhere in the world, 24/7.
On Sunday, we celebrated the 1st. On-Air Anniversary of broadcasting on your radio dial 107.5 fm. Volunteers and congregation gathered at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Savannah where Rev. David Messner talked about “Radio and the Public Church”. And how the radio helps individuals and organizations communicate their talent and goals with the community of Savannah at large, fulfilling the covenant of the church: ” to welcome, love, and service one and other.” It is in this spirit that Savannah Soundings, Community Radio with Global Soul! has grown to where it is now among the diverse community of Savannah. After a wonderful rendition by the Choir we enjoyed cake and the celebration.
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