Fri. 2 pm – September 17 is Constitution Day, Philosophy professor Dr. Jack Simmons joins Leigh in a celebration and contemplation of the people’s government most influential document. 09/11/2020.
September 17 is Constitution Day, marking the signing of the most influential document in American history. In 1787, the U.S. Constitution established our government’s framework as well as the rights and freedoms we enjoy today. Rooted in the ancient Greek idea of “demokratia” in which the people hold the power, what would the Hellenes think of democracy in the United States today? What lessons have we heeded? Which have we overlooked? Philosophy professor Dr. Jack Simmons joins Leigh in a celebration and contemplation of the people’s government, and the signing of the most influential document in American history. Listen to WRUU 107.5 FM in Savannah and globally @