Listening to Literature – 02/02/2018

12:06 pm Listening to Literature with Leigh R. This week, Listening to Literature honors Christopher Scott, a writer and mentor known throughout the Savannah community. He lived in Savannah for nearly two decades, but he was born in England and served as a pilot for his home country during World War II. For most of his working life, he was a Resident Land Agent overseeing homes of the British aristocracy, and last year, he submitted an insightful and humorous essay to a memoir-writing contest about his cross-cultural experiences in this position. He continued this work in the United States, which included the home of President James Madison. During his lifetime, Christopher authored several books, including his memoirs, which is titled Walking the Boundaries: Agent to the Aristocracy, and the suspense novel Choke Point. He also was the president of the Savannah Authors Workshop (SAW). P.T. Bridgeport, WRUU host of When the Moon Sings, joins Listening to Literature to discuss Christopher’s writing, his work, and his life.

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