Music Local and Sustainable – Guestlist 5/5/17

Music Local and Sustainable at 9-10pm is featuring Natasha Drena and we spend some time talking about the Musical Explorers Series of the Savannah Music Festival.

The first half of my Contemporary Classics show will be devoted to a celebration of the Desdemona Piano Trio concert which I saw on Friday night at the Sulfur Studios – which will also be part of the second half of the show. The rest of the second half with feature music from and inspired by the concert featuring Michael Daly, French horn; Andrew Jay Ripley, oboe; and Benjamin Warsaw, piano in performance of 19th, 20th, and 21st century works which I saw at the Unitarian Universalist Church . They did works by Beethoven and Reinecke from the 19th century but I of course will focus on the works from the 20th and 21st centuries that they performed because that is the purpose of the show Contemporary Classics on WRUU.ORG or 107.5 FM at 7-9pm on Tuesday evening.

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