Sat. 7 pm – Savannah on Film is celebrating its 2-year anniversary show with 3 very special guests and a serious topic. We will be discussing the plight of racism inside and outside the film industry. 06/13/2020.

The guests are filmmakers Andre’ L. Johnson, William Patrick Tennerson, and Kareem McMichael. You can listen live on Saturday, 6-13-2020 from 7-8 P.M. in Savannah on WRUU – 107.5 FM Savannah, streamed worldwide on, then join us all, including your host Ed Ciucevich, immediately afterward at Savannah on Film on YouTube as we Premiere the video at 8 P.M., with bonus content. Bring your questions and comments, and remember that Savannah on Film is a voice for the Savannah film industry.
Sat. 8 pm on YouTube Premiere the video live and bring your questions and comments, and remember that Savannah on Film is a voice for the Savannah film industry.