Sat. 7 pm – Savannah on Film says adieu to WRUU, 01/29/2022.

This Saturday, January 29, 2022, will be a special episode of Savannah on Film, with your host Ed Ciucevich (IMDB: You will not want to miss this as Savannah on Film says adieu to WRUU. Savannah on Film will continue on the YouTube channel, just not on the radio.
Join Ed as we look back from the beginning in April of 2018 and forward to the future of the show. You can listen live in Savannah from 7-8 PM on WRUU – 107.5 FM Savannah, and on worldwide. After you listen to WRUU, then you can join Ed live in the chat on YouTube starting at 8 PM for the video premiere of this episode with your comments and questions. Savannah on Film is a voice for the Savannah film industry.
Listen live on or locally at wruu 107.5 fm, and make sure to spread the word among your friends on social media by clicking on the icons below.