Sat. 7 pm – The guests on Savannah on Film this Saturday are Hannah and Chuck Walden. This is a worldwide exclusive interview. Can’t miss it! 10/02/2021.

Hannah will be a contestant on the Netflix show Baking Impossible debuting on October 6th! Hannah Walden and Chuck Walden of Atomic Dairy (YouTube channel and Facebook page) are DYI inventors and highly imaginative creators. You can listen in Savannah from 7-8 P.M. on WRUU – 107.5 FM Savannah and streamed on worldwide. After that join your host Ed Ciucevich along with Hannah and Chuck live in the chat with your questions and comments this Saturday starting at 8 P.M. on YouTube at Savannah on Film. We talk about their creative builds and Hannah being selected to be on the show. Savannah on Film is a voice for the Savannah film industry.