Rigor Mortis, hosted by DJ Spooky (formerly Ham Sud), is set to haunt your speakers every Thursday Night. Feed your desire for weekly scorpio-curated playlists of dark rock + then some. Listeners Beware. Tune in if you dare!
You can email DJ Spooky directly at rigormortiswruu@gmail.com
9:00pm, 9-7-2023
9:00pm, 8-31-2023
9:00pm, 8-24-2023
9:00pm, 8-10-2023
9:00pm, 8-3-2023
9:00pm, 7-27-2023
9:00pm, 7-20-2023
9:00pm, 7-13-2023
9:00pm, 7-6-2023
9:00pm, 6-29-2023