Oh, what a
time to be a Black woman! We are making unmatched strides in education,
politics, and corporate America while balancing busy home lives and active
social scenes. Join this
engaging discussion among three African American women from different
backgrounds with shared educational and professional experiences as we discuss
a range of topics from relationships to current events to sisterhood. Tune in
to “The Sister Perspective” every week to keep your finger on the pulse of
powerful Black women who are living out loud!
The three hosts, Dr. Keenya Mosley, Dr. Sharon Sellers-Clark, and Dr. Jessica
McBride, have different personal backgrounds, but similar professional and
educational experiences. With current employment ranging from public school to
post-secondary to independent consulting, and social lives that include
volunteering and active memberships in social organizations and sororities, we
are alike enough to get along, but are different enough that our perspectives
on topics make for lively conversation that we believe people will enjoy.