

  • Savannah’s locally owned and operated community radio station wants to talk to you and your friends. You pick the time and place (and friends). We’ll supply some of our star hosts and staff.
  • WRUU’s Starburst Program reaches out for your ideas on radio, beyond pre-programmed oldies and predictable political discussion. Let’s chat.
  • WRUU is Savannah community radio. We can’t just broadcast to you – we must listen to you as well. The Starburst Program reaches out to you. Bring your friends together for any occasion, and we will send a star host and a member of the staff to listen to your ideas.
  • Radio once reflected the character and needs of its local community. Today, Savannah’s WRUU community radio continues that tradition. We listen to Savannah as well as broadcasting to it. We want to hear from you. Invite a group of friends over, and we’ll send a host and staff member to listen to all of you about the station.  You can tell us what you think without filling out a form. The Starburst Program offers friends of WRUU the opportunity to have a gathering for their friends to discuss the station. WRUU will send one of the Star Hosts and perhaps a staff member.

July’s Star – Mike Matheny

Mike Matheny currently hosts “Music from the World” and “Rockin’ the World” on Fridays from 5 to 7 PM. On early Friday morning from 6 to 7 am, Mike also does the Billboard yearly hits for the US pop charts from 1946 on. Requests and comments are welcome at He’s been a host for around 6 years. His shows feature an eclectic collection of foreign and international music, everything from opera to heavy metal. Mike is our July “Star” and he’ll be playing some tunes, talking about why he loves doing his shows, and why he thinks community radio is so important. Vicki Weeks, the Executive Task Force chair, will be joining him to solicit ideas from the guests, and explain more about the station. Want to host your own StarBurst? Contact
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