Sun. 9 am. ET – This week on “The Heart and the Hand” with Orlando Montoya: The Rev. Marlin Lavanhar of All Souls Unitarian Tulsa explains why gratitude is scientific reality and sacred principle. Also what does a religious group with no creed and a wide variety of beliefs among its members do together? Also, calling all ancestors, a Christmas reflection and all the usual segments including Braver Wiser. 12/23/2018
This week on “The Heart and the Hand” with Orlando Montoya: The Rev. Marlin Lavanhar of All Souls Unitarian Tulsa explains why gratitude is scientific reality and sacred principle. Also what does a religious group with no creed and a wide variety of beliefs among its members do together? Also, calling all ancestors, a Christmas reflection and all the usual segments including Braver Wiser. Tune in on Sunday for “The Heart and the Hand” from 9-11am and “The Heart and the Hand Music Hour” from 12-1pm on WRUU 107.5 FM and WRUU.ORG.