Sun. This week on “The Heart and the Hand” with Orlando Montoya: What Hildegard von Bingen has to say about noticing our vital signs. Also what to do when it feels like all we want is to do run and hide. These inspirational messages plus upcoming events at the UU Church of Savannah and all the other regular segments. Tune in for mostly words from 9-11am and mostly music from 1-2pm. That’s Sunday on WRUU 107.5 FM and WRUU.ORG. 02/24/2019
This week on “The Heart and the Hand” with Orlando Montoya: What Hildegard von Bingen has to say about noticing our vital signs. Also what to do when it feels like all we want is to do run and hide. These inspirational messages plus upcoming events at the UU Church of Savannah and all the other regular segments. Tune in for mostly words from 9-11am and mostly music from 1-2pm. That’s Sunday on WRUU 107.5 FM and WRUU.ORG.