The Real Scoop behind “Beyond the Liner Notes”. Read it here first. 06/04/2020.
Brian Renner has decided to……
stop live hosting for awhile. Brian continues to do a lot of things for the station, and he’ll be back at some point, but not right away. Since we co-host Beyond The Liner Notes, that leaves the program to me, possibly as a solo. I sounded out a few people at the station and got some polite but not encouraging responses – the same sort I got when I suggested an Alvin and the Chipmunks Retrospective Friday and Wretched Excess Week.
Leigh Rich has been my special guest co-host for some weeks, so I asked her to continue. To everybody’s great relief (even mine), she accepted. So Leigh will be officially co-hosting Beyond The Liner Notes, with the full authority and privileges that co-hosting confers.
Seriously, I’ll miss Brian, but I already work with Leigh, and she is great. I’m pretty relieved.