Thu. 1 pm Courageous Conversations with Sheree welcomes Coach Sean Smith and Coach Donald Jenkins. The truth is we are ALL in a collective state of emergency. 06/11/2020.

At the age of 13, Sean was nearly killed by his next-door neighbor while riding his bicycle to school. His entire philosophy on life changed and he made a promise to himself that no matter what happens to him, he will never settle for mediocrity and live a life of regret. 20 years later, he experienced the power of personal development as a life coach helped him make a
transformational shift in his personal and professional paths.
say that he has the marriage and family life he always dreamed of, but didn’t think was possible
for him. He has been married over 20 years and has two teenage children with his wife Cybil. He declares his most powerful accomplishment along this journey is that he has effectively been
able to slow his life down and stay present inside of every sacred moment on the planet.
aggressively pursue their scariest goals and dreams. He lives and teaches the motto inspired by his father’s final words to him… “BE who you can be. DO what you can do. And LIVE a good life.” Visit
organizational growth.
PDD is not a subject of conversation in training and coaching circles because most coaches and trainers are unaware of its influence on growth potential. As a pioneer in Purpose Development™, Mr. Jenkins has become a master in solving complex human capital issues regarding coaching, leadership, diversity, motivation, organizational development, and employee engagement.
FREEBIE: 30 Minute Purpose Business Analysis where each entrepreneur will begin the process of understanding the role of purpose in scaling their business. Visit