Thu. 1 pm EDT- on Courageous Conversations with Sheree is Indie Award Winner TKO. Join us to learn what happens when you put a mic in the hand of a 6’3″, 220 lb boxer? You get an Indie Music Channel Award Winning Artist! Tracy Rucker– better known as TKO or Triple Knockout is making waves in the music industry locally and abroad. He joins us with more on his music, his mission, and what motivates him. 10/17/2019
Born Tracy Rucker in Bartow, Florida and a child of a hardened military family, T.K.O. spent his youth in tow traveling the world while furtively tuning an ear to music. By the age of 19, he had lived in more than fifteen states, from the southeast to New York, and spent his most memorable time outside the states in Germany where his father was stationed on two separate assignments. “Living in Germany was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I got an appreciation for the culture; the people were kind and welcomed somebody like me – someone who was completely different.”
This nomadic lifestyle didn’t afford T.K.O. any level of comfort or contentment in his surroundings; a factor of his youth responsible for his lifelong, adrenaline addiction (his drug of choice) and risk-taking drive. What it did allow him was to establish residency in music making. He spent his every waking minute rapping and beating on anything in his path to tap into his passion for drumming which (much like Pharrell) led T.K.O. to become a percussionist in a variety of school music programs. Drumline along with legends such as AI Green and The Supremes (the icons of his parents liking), and transitional living fostered T.K.O.’s strong sense of respect for others and the desire to serve and protect those close to him.
A champion in athletics, the arts, and human behavior, T.K.O. dedicates his physical and artistic field of energy to the creation of a better world. In spite of his imposing frame and intimidating presence, his formidable strength makes it undeniably clear… there is beauty in the beast.
For more about TKO please visit him at