Thu. 1 pm. – Sheree welcomes Zahira Mous!!! We all can agree that we all have a story but who would we be without the experiences, challenges, and opportunities to evolve? 11/05/2020.

Who are we at our core? What is our true essence? Listen in and get back to being your most authentic self. Zahira Mous | Artistic & Executive Director Zahira is a change maker. Choreographer at dance theater company Project Zahira, dance educator, writer, and meditation facilitator. She has practiced dance for 30 years and explored spiritual practices in-depth for 11 years. The two most recent productions have been Who am I without my story? and Reclaiming the Goddess. Zahira is currently writing her memoirs with the working title The Voice of Silence and is planning to bring her production Reclaiming the Goddess -renamed: CURA (which means ‘healing’)- to Brazil in 2021.