Thu. 1 pm EDT- This week on Courageous Conversations with Sheree, Author Cassandra Brown shares how to release the past and walk into destiny. Join us as we put “it” in a bag. 09/26/2019

Cassandra “Lady Disciple” Brown was called to preach at an early age. She’s a mother of three, Pastor, and a Woman who loves God! She has a heart for all of God’s people to be set free from their past so they can walk in the destiny that God has for them. In 2014 I made a video called Put It In A bag and when I put the video on face book and within in minutes it went viral and it has been shared hundreds of times! I began to receive testimonies from all over the world and that’s when I knew that so many people were hurting and needed to put some mess in a bag to be healed delivered and set free! It’s time that we bag up the mess in our lives so God can use us for his glory!
If you have a pulse, you have a purpose! Contact Cassandra by visiting http://