Thu. 1 pm. Sheree will have two guests: Local business owner Diana Morrison, founded and is President of Advertising Specialty Services, and domestic violence survivor/advocate Lula Wilson, Founder/CEO of Confidently Learn to Live Inc. & Wonder Woman of God (WWOG) Inc.10/04/2018

Thu. 1 pm. On Courageous Conversations, Sheree will have two guests: Local business owner Diana Morrison, founded and is President of Advertising Specialty Services, and a domestic violence survivor/advocate Lula Wilson.
Diana founded and is President of Advertising Specialty Services, Savannah, Georgia nearly 30 years ago. Diana enjoys sharing her expertise to help her customers become more successful. From the humble beginnings of running a business out of the trunk of her car, Diana grew her operation to include a great team of talent, cutting edge facility and state-of-the-art showroom. The promotional product showroom, built in 2004, allows clients of all sizes, industries and budgets to experience all the products and services the Ad Specialty team has to offer. Diana enjoys speaking to educate groups and clients on her “SMART Marketing” practices.
“Real dreams can’t happen by wishing or hoping. Write that dream down. Research it’s feasibility. Make, Hone, Work the plan. Engage your posse. Inscribe it on their hearts.” Diana Morrison
Lula Wilson is a Motivational Speaker, Board Certified Professional Coach, Founder/CEO of Confidently Learn to Live Inc. & Wonder Woman of God (WWOG) Inc. A non profit organization specialize in women dealing with domestic violence and low self esteem.Lula is a Senior Leader with the #1 Corporation on the Forbes Fortune 500 list. She has over 25 years of leadership experience. Lula have mentored many managers over the years, some whom have developed into successful leaders.Lula is a Domestic Violence Survivor, that endured years of physical and mental abuse. For years she suffered with depression and low self esteem.Through prayer and faith Lula was able to change her life for herself and her children.She is now living her new destiny with a loving husband who accepted her and her children as his own.
Lula decided that she must now do the work that life has educated her to do. That’s to be an Advocate for the women, men and children who has experience domestic Violence. Her story is touching lives daily. She is now educating individuals the difference between normality and violence in a relationship