Thu. 1 pm This week on Courageous Conversations with Sheree we welcome Bishop Dr. Jackie Gilbert-Grant. Pardon me, Queen Jackie. Listen and learn what dignity has to do with becoming a queen for life. We will also discuss her new book release entitled, “When the Water Breaks”. 12/05/2019.

Dr. Jackie Gilbert-Grant is the Senior Pastor and Founder of Sanctuary of Praise Christian Assembly, Inc. in Savannah, Georgia. She is an Author and a sought after Motivational Speaker, who ministers at women’s conferences, retreats, and seminars.
She is the Creator of the Queens For Life LLC which includes The Sophisticated Ladies Collection. She is the Founder and CEO of LADIES INC. International, which is not just a ministry, but a movement, teaching and encouraging women to be Ladies Acting Dignified in Every Situation. She also serves as the Publisher and Editor of a new magazine titled The Queen’s Journal which premiered in 2018. Dr. Grant is a Board member of the Build A Bridge Foundation of Georgia, and a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Gamma Sigma Omega Chapter, where she currently serves as Chaplin.
In 2015, Dr. Grant was consecrated a “Bishop” in the Lord’s Church by the Impact Fellowship International and The Promise Land Ministries, based in Washington DC, and holds a membership with the Perfecting Covenant Prevailing Connection, and is also affiliated with the Global United Fellowship, Headquarters in Nassau, Bahamas. She is also an Author, penning three books, “Developing Your Spiritual Gifts,” “For The Working of The Ministry,” “Bossed Up For Purpose.” Bishop Grant has won many awards and citations through the years, all of which she has been honored to receive. Her greatest ministry is her marriage to Pastor Martin Grant, where together they have four children and seven grandchildren.
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