Thu. 1pm On Courageous Conversations, Sheree welcomes special guest The Miti Queen LIVE in the WRUU studio this. Tonease M. Priester is a Mental Health Advocate and Starter Business Website Designer. Her personality can be felt at your first introduction and her transparency stunned Sheree at a recent meeting. To those of you, our faithful listening audience, who believes you could never share your story live in the studio, do not miss this chance to hear Tonease. By the end of the show, you will stand corrected and encouraged to own your truth and raise your voice. If not now, when? If not you, who? . 05/23/2019

On Courageous Conversations, Sheree welcomes special guest The Miti Queen LIVE in the WRUU studio this Thursday, May 23rd.
Tonease M. Priester is a Mental Health Advocate and Starter Business Website Designer. Her personality can be felt at your first introduction and her transparency stunned Sheree at a recent meeting. So much so, Sheree immediately extended an opportunity for her to be a guest on the show.
To those of you, our faithful listening audience, who believes you could never share your story live in the studio, do not miss this chance to hear Tonease. By the end of the show, you will stand corrected and encouraged to own your truth and raise your voice. If not now, when? If not you, who?
Mark your calendar and plan now tune in to hear another candid, courageous conversation with your captivating host Sheree.
c/o Sheree E. Darien, CPDC
Executive Director & Founder
Second Chance Community Outreach, Inc.
a Division of Second Chance Community Bank (Emerging CDFI)
Second Chance Community Outreach, Inc.
a Division of Second Chance Community Bank (Emerging CDFI)
Host of Courageous Conversations with Sheree Radio Talk Show
Defining Moments Author, Transformational Life Coach & Speaker
Phone: (843) 580-1588
Purpose… The place where an epiphany and destiny collide! SD
It is never too late for a second chance. Second is anything after one. SD