Wed. 9 pm ET- This week on Savannah Music Local and Sustainable (May 29, 2019) is the second show featuring my interview with Eric Jones of the Eric Jones Trio. We are continuing to talk about their new album AZUIBUKE. Great album and great conversation. Savannah Music Local and Sustainable is from 9-10 on Wednesday nights on WRUU-LP, Savannah, 107.5 FM and streaming at 05/29/2019

This week on Savannah Music Local and Sustainable (May 29, 2019) is the second show featuring my interview with Eric Jones of the Eric Jones Trio. We are continuing to talk about their new album AZUIBUKE. Great album and great conversation. Savannah Music Local and Sustainable is from 9-10 on Wednesday nights on WRUU-LP, Savannah, 107.5 FM and streaming at